If you are unfamiliar with farro, here's a primer: Farro is a whole wheat berry with a complex, nutty taste and a hearty texture. In cooking you can use...
Smashing cucumbers instead of slicing them gives the flesh an appealing rough surface, the better to bond with any dressings you dream up. In this salad,...
Cool, watery cucumbers and warm, rich sesame oil are a classic combination in Asia, and the chef Danny Bowien builds on that tradition here by using sesame...
In China, cucumbers are considered the ideal foil for hot weather and hot food. Versions of this salad, pai huang gua, are served all over the country,...
This recipe came to The Times by way of Amy Lawrence, and her husband, Justin Fox Burks, who developed it for their blog, the Chubby Vegetarian. The trick...
This is a good tabbouleh alternative for those of you who can't tolerate wheat, though you must seek out a brand of steel-cut oats that has been processed...
Along with burgers and hot dogs, a good potato salad is a quintessential part of a cookout, and this one is a classic. It's dressed with mayonnaise, mustard...
Ben Moïse, a retired game warden in South Carolina, has been serving a version of this coleslaw at his Frogmore stew parties for years. The hot, boiled...
This grape salad, which falls into the same category of old-fashioned party dishes as molded Jell-O salad, comes from a Minnesota-born heiress, who tells...
In 2012, carrots, those little spark plugs in a salad or a stew, were having a moment. Chefs across the country were showcasing handsome, meaty specimens...
This Chinese-inspired salad has complex flavors and is quite refreshing. At the market, choose eggplants that are firm and shiny; they will taste sweeter...
Here is a dish that melds the best flavors of summer into a robust salad. Yotam Ottolenghi calls for cherry tomatoes, but summer's best tomatoes would...
The reassurance of potato salad, its portability, conviviality and - depending on the cook - blank slate for creativity have been appealing to Americans...
Wedge salads are essential steakhouse fare and have been for decades - "iceberg wedges, blue cheese, bacon" was Roger Sterling's order on "Mad Men" when...